Sunday, January 27, 2013

Buying Brand Names vs. Store Brand

Originally Posted on September 10, 2011

Ready for a completely unscientific and thoroughly opinionated post? Great!

So, I had a friend in college who upon moving in with a new roommate, complained about her new roommate’s shopping habits:

“We spent so much money today! She doesn’t buy a single thing in the store brand version!”

Point well taken. If you buy only name brands, are you going to break the bank? She seemed to think so. Plus, it wasn’t exactly a good first step towards building that oh-so-important roommate bond. (Now, I think they turned out fine, but there may have been a serious “talking-to” about how not every purchase needs to be brand name.)

I realize that you didn’t really ask for this, but won’t this be kinda fun? Yes, most definitely! That’s the spirit!

Here’s a list of items I regularly purchase and whether I buy strictly “store brand” (SB) or “brand name” (BN).

Sunglasses - store brand (I lose sunglasses, don’t think I look cool in them and am generally hard on them. So, why pay top dollar for something I’m going to sit on anyways!?)

Sunscreen - brand name (Have you seen how light complected I am? We do NOT mess around with sunburns people!)

Cereal - SB (Avast ye Marshmallow Maties!)

Soda/Pop/Cokes - BN (Diet Dr. Thunder? Not so much...)

Canned Fruits/Veggies - SB

Ketchup/Mustard - SB

Barbeque Sauce - BN (and only Head Country is acceptable.)

Over-the-counter-drugs/Vitamins - SB (in most cases, it is literally the SAME product and you are only paying for the “claritin” -type name.)

Eggs/Milk/Bread - SB

Napkins/Paper Towels - SB (unless the BN version’s price is pretty close.)

Toilet Paper - BN (The more dogs/clouds/babies/cherubs on the packaging, the better.)

Ice Cream - BN (Pretty much only Blue Bell, at that.)

Honey - SB

Salsa - Local BN (the stuff made in your backyard is the best! Or the stuff I make when I get the motivation about every three years...)

Coffee - BN 

Coffee Filters - SB

Cookies/Pastries/Cakes - out of the store’s own bakery

Deodorant/Toothpaste/Razors - BN (I think the advertising is working here...)

Aluminum Foil - BN (I will NOT make that mistake again!)


Printer Paper - SB (But who prints anything out anymore???)

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