Saturday, June 20, 2015

Discussion Questions for "The Storm, Ep. 3 "Questions About the Bible" (City on a Hill Productions)

The Storm, by City on a Hill Productions, featuring Kyle Idleman

Here are some discussion questions that can accompany The Storm, Episode 3, "Questions About Bible."

1. What one or two things about this video stood out to you?

2. Have you ever questioned the authority of the Bible? Was there a certain part that you grappled with?

3. Why does the authenticity or historicity of the Bible matter?

4. Why is it important that all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit? (2 Tim. 3:16)

5. How does the evidence of the Bible changing people's lives add weight to its legitimacy?

6. Why is it important for Christians to read their bibles regularly/daily and systematically?

7. Why do you think some people would rather read books about the Bible, rather than the Bible itself?

8. What questions about the Bible do you still have?

Next week: Episode 4: Questions About the Jesus, Part 1

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