Saturday, June 06, 2015

Discussion Questions for "The Storm, Ep. 1: "Questions About God" (City on a Hill Productions)

The Storm, by City on a Hill Productions, featuring Kyle Idleman

Here are some discussion questions that can accompany the first episode of The Storm, Episode 1, "Questions About God."

1. What one or two things from this video stood out to you?

2. How has what you've learned in the Bible changed your view and understanding of God?

3. In Psalm 19:1-4, scripture tells us that God has revealed himself through nature. How have you felt God's presence and witnessed His design in nature?

4. While God has revealed himself in His scripture and in nature, we still have difficulty fully grasping His entirety. How does not knowing His entirety discourage us? How can not knowing God's entirety be an encouragement?

5. Let's talk about Free Will. On the extremes are Causation and Open-Theism. Causation states that every thing that can possibly be chosen is fully ordained by God -- that we effectively have no Free Will. Open-Theism says that God created the world, set everything into motion and is now powerless to control any of it. Which side do you think you are closer to? Why?

6. When have you felt strongly about needing to know God's Will in a decision you had to make? How did you come to the point at which you could make the decision?

7. How does knowing more about the revealed nature of God help us shift our attention away from ourselves and begin to focus more on Him?

8. What questions about God do you still have?

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