The trip of a lifetime has come and gone and it did not disappoint. To recap, my father Richard Rath -- a professional oboist, Yamaha Performing Artist and founding member of the International Double Reed Society -- and I applied and were invited to perform at the IDRS Convention held this past August in Tokyo.
Not only was it an awesome chance to go overseas and experience a country I might not ever be able to visit, but it was also an opportunity to put together a Duo Recital of works for Oboe and Percussion (primarily marimba and vibraphone).
This first album features pics from our layover in Honolulu up to and including the recital performance.
IDRS Photos, Album #1
The second album features our trip to Hamamatsu, Japan to tour the Yamaha Factory, and also includes some of the sight-seeing we experienced after the convention concluded.
IDRS Photos, Album #2
If you want to read more about how the recital came to be, you can click this LINK and read a blog post from this past spring.
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