Sunday, July 05, 2015

Discussion Questions for "The Storm, Ep. 5 "Questions About Jesus (Part 2)" (City on a Hill Productions)

The Storm, City on a Hill Productions, featuring Kyle Idleman

Here are some discussion questions that can accompany The Storm, Episode 5, "Questions About Jesus (Part 2)."

1. At any point in your life have you wrestled with Jesus' statement from John 14:6 ("I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to Father except through me.")?

2. Did you ever believe that there were "many ways to God?" What would you say to someone who claimed this?

3. Did you ever find yourself facing the "Wrong Way" sign? When did you know that you were on the "One Way" sign?

4. Why are Jesus' claims not arrogant, but authoritative?

5. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. Now read James 2:14-17 and verse 26. Why do we feel as we must do something of our own accord and will to gain our salvation?

6. Read Acts 2:27-38, then 8:35-38. What are we supposed to do if we want to become a Christian? Is baptizing "doing?" (Luke 23:39-43)

7. What did you think about Kyle's analogy about being invited to a party at the White House? Have you ever thought about finding a different way to "get to God?" Why is it acceptable that there only be one way (or road) to God?

8. What questions about Jesus do you still have?

Next week: Episode 6: Questions About Jesus, Part 2

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