The Storm, City on a Hill Productions, featuring Kyle Idleman
Here are some discussion questions that can accompany The Storm, Episode 6, "Questions About Suffering."
1. What one or two things stood out to you about this video?
2. When has suffering or pain caused you to question the goodness of God? What about the existence of God?
3. Why is it hard for us to understand that God often does not intervene in the laws of nature?
4. What is a good response to those who raise questions about God not being powerful enough to counterbalance (or prevent) suffering, or who think He is indifferent? What do you say to people who think that God causes suffering?
5. What comfort can we take from Job's question of God, "Why me?" (Job 38:12-21)
6. Reassurance for those who are suffering: "You are not alone," "I know how you feel," "God knows how you feel," "Pain has purpose," and "The pain will soon be over."
7. What is the greatest comfort to those who are suffering? What is our response to those around us when they experience suffering?"
8. What questions about suffering do you still have?
Verses to keep in mind: 2 Corinthians 7:10, Romans 8:28-29, 2 Samuel 12:16-20, 1 Corinthians 2:9, Revelation 21:3-4.
Next week: Episode 7: Questions About Prayer